Coding, Running, Living

Hello and welcome to my blog! I’m Taras, by day a software engineer, and, somewhat unexpectedly, a marathon runner by choice. It all began not with a direct suggestion, but a thought sparked by a comment from my wife about my weight. It wasn't what she said, but it got me thinking, "Maybe I should start running?" That thought, simple as it was, kick-started my journey into the world of running and self-discovery.

The First Steps

Those initial days of lacing up my running shoes were filled with a mix of apprehension and excitement. Armed with a beginner's running plan from Men's Health 2011, my goal was a 10km run – a distance that felt ambitious yet achievable for a novice like me.

Overcoming Challenges

As with any new endeavor, my journey had its share of obstacles. My knees, in particular, seemed to protest this new activity, especially around the 8km mark. This challenge led me to a doctor who explained how the body adjusts to the demands of running. It was a revelation about resilience and the body's incredible adaptability.

A Pause and Reset

Life’s rhythms led to a pause in my running, almost a year-long hiatus. When I returned, it was like starting from square one, but with the benefit of hindsight and a smoldering passion waiting to be reignited.

The Marathon Dream Takes Shape

Fast forward to 2019. After participating in a 10km race and a 19km obstacle run, the idea of completing a marathon began to take a concrete shape in my mind. This aspiration was further fueled by a conversation with the 'Marathon Princess' at a startup event, who just returned from an ultra marathon in India. Running 42 kilometers transformed from a distant dream into a distinct goal.

Yet, I hesitated to commit. While 20km runs became a regular part of my routine, the thought of a marathon lingered as an unspoken ambition. It wasn’t until early 2021, when someone close to me pointedly asked, “When are you going to run a marathon?” that I realized it was time to turn this ambition into reality.

Onward and Upward

And here I am, eager to share my story with you – from a thought-provoking comment to crossing marathon finish lines. This journey has been about more than running; it’s been a lesson in pushing boundaries, exploring potential, and the transformative power of a single thought.

Join me as I continue this adventure, sharing insights from the trails and the code editor. Whether you're a runner, a fellow tech enthusiast, or just someone curious about where a thought can take you, there's a place for you here. Let's embrace the challenges and celebrate the victories, one step and one line of code at a time.

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